重慶市華雅干細胞技術有限公司在倉庫備有現貨,歡迎新老客戶: StemMACS HSC-CFU Media are standardized semi-solid media based on methylcellulose in IMDM, supplemented with FBS, BSA, and different growth factors. StemMACS HSC-CFU media are designed to maximize growth and differentiation of progenitor cells and allow the clonal progeny of a single cell to grow in a distinct cluster or colony. They are produced under tightly controlled manufacturing conditions and use highly qualified raw materials to provide a consistent and optimally performing colony assay. StemMACS HSC-CFU media are available in different formats.![](https://img57.chem17.com/gxhpic_3c37afad34/87f70905d593dc6e41d65132db6d87aa3c2cf377db00fd048072d93aa9ff3fbd3aa24239c05cb20b.jpg) Miltenyi Biotec Inc. 2303 Lindbergh Street, Auburn, CA 95602, USA Phone 800 FOR MACS, +1 530 888 8871, +1 530 888 8925 macs@miltenyibiotec.com page 1/3 Miltenyi Biotec GmbH Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 68, 51429 Bergisch Gladbach, Germany Phone +49 2204 8306-0, +49 2204 85197 macs@miltenyibiotec.de www.miltenyibiotec.com 140-001-101.06 Contents 1. Description 1.1 Background information 1.2 Product specification 1.3 Reagent and instrument requirements 2. Protocol 2.1 Preparation of StemMACS HSC-CFU Media 2.2 Preparation of cell samples 2.3 Set-up of CFU assay 2.4 Reading the plate 3. Appendix: Tips & hints 4. References 1. Description Components
![](https://img57.chem17.com/gxhpic_3c37afad34/87f70905d593dc6e41d65132db6d87aaca0401c93dcb476d91a2fa5f175d3ff26e270ce59eadd05f.jpg) ![](https://img58.chem17.com/gxhpic_3c37afad34/87f70905d593dc6e41d65132db6d87aa30fe80de50aa3a850c234c6286f016753c1853e163ae10a8.jpg)
重慶市華雅干細胞技術有限公司在倉庫備有現貨,歡迎新老客戶: |